In the wake of the tumultuous era in Eastern Europe, the scars of conflict resonate deeply in the lives of its inhabitants. It has left indelible imprints on their psyches, shaping narratives of resilience and survival against a backdrop of adversity. The conventional educational approaches may not suffice in addressing the intricate cognitive and emotional READ MORE
Author: admin
FLIGHT Help Clubs to empower Ukrainian war refugees in five European countries
For many Ukrainian war refugees, food production has become their first personal business abroad. According to a survey conducted in September 2023 by the U&We Hub Development Centre Program in cooperation with Ukreate Hub and the Open Society Foundations, the majority of Ukrainian women currently living in Lithuania would like to stay here. Half of READ MORE
6 unconventional ways to invest (Help Club session)
When we hear about investing, the first thing we probably think of is securities, shares or real estate. But you can also put your money to work by investing in less popular areas that may be related to your hobby and even outperform traditional investments in terms of long-term returns. Here’s what FLIGHT Help Club READ MORE
Ukrainians have paid €40 million in taxes in Lithuania but would like to change jobs
Half of all Ukrainians of working age in Lithuania, more than 22.000, are employed under employment contracts. They have contributed €40 million to the national budget since the start of the war in Ukraine until the end of 2022, but surveys show that as many as 4 out of 5 would like to change jobs. READ MORE
Survey: Ukrainian refugees want to work in the EU. They are educated, are learning the language and have high professional qualifications
WARSAW, Poland, Dec. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As many as 48% of Ukrainian refugees working in Germany and Poland intend to stay in those countries, namely for at least one year after the war has ended, according to the survey ‘Ukrainian refugees – vocational activation in Poland and Germany’ carried out by the EWL Migration READ MORE
Overview of the Lithuanian economy and EU opportunities for business (in Russian)
Приглашаем на встречу-лекцию “Обзор литовской экономики и возможности для предпринимательства в ЕС” с президентом Вильнюсской ассоциации промышленности и предпринимательства Сигитасом Бесагирскасом. Время встречи: 16.08.2022 в 17.30 Место встречи: Užupio g. 9, Coffee1 Информация на Фейсбуке Регистрация Встречу организует NVO VERSLI MAMА с партнерами, осуществляющая образовательный проект для взрослых ERASMUS+ #FLIGHT: Financial Literacy for Investment, Growth, Help READ MORE
Lithuanian #FLIGHT lecturer Vilma awarded for the best presentation in Cyprus
How would you feel if you found out that one of the two places for Lithuania to participate in the international seminar in Cyprus went to you? Vilma Dainienė, who became the happy one, did not hide the joy of traveling to a country that has not been visited yet, the excitement of appearing in READ MORE