
Lithuanian non-governmental organization VERSLI MAMA focuses on women empowerment through both classical and online marketing communication, public relations, adult education as well as project management, especially in the areas of female entrepreneurship promotion and health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA). NGO also runs an internet portal VERSLI MAMA which serves as a platform for spreading of women empowerment ideas and practices in Lithuania on a daily basis.

We Are Entrepreneurs offers adult training programs in the fields of entrepreneurship, digitalisation, and financial literacy, that help vulnerable segment of society (women, migrants, NEET’s, etc.) who want to acquire highly demanded skills for free and in a non-formal environment that can adapt to their circumstances. These skills offered can increase their employability by obtaining a European certification, can help them with their personal and business finances, and provides them with access to international support groups.

WSEI University (WSEI) is a non-state higher education institution, funded in 2001. WSEI offers full university degree programs in a range of academic disciplines. With 6 500 students (of which approx. 80 % extramural learners), is a nationally recognized university, demonstrating a commitment to engage in partnerships with EU organizations and institutions to support education, training and research. The international group of students represent 25 different countries as well as cultures: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Nigeria, Georgia, Guinea Bissau, Uzbekistan, Norway, Nepal, Belarus, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Belize as well as representatives from Poland. WSEI is the only one university (among private and public ones) offering full study programs in English and the only one in Lubelskie Region having 4 study programmes open to international students. The high level of educational process is maintained by almost 400 diligently selected didactic staff with proper academic degrees and necessary academic experience. All programs offered by WSEI are accredited by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and qualified for relevant grants.

German weltgewandt („open to the world”), Institute for Intercultural Civic Education, provides citizenship education on social, political and economic issues for everyone. Institute focuses on making current developments in politics and society understandable, fostering an awareness of what democracy is and which values are needed to keep it running, and encouraging citizens to actively participate in social and community life. Weltgewandt e.V. also strengthens the dialogue between people of different cultures, social contexts, generations and life-styles. Institute runs seminars, theatre workshops, language cafés and trainings combining complex issues of societies with creative approaches, provides information and stimulates discussions regarding current issues of public interest, e. g. women's perspectives, economy, digitalization, climate change, perceptions of history / culture of remembrance, social inclusion, Europe. The institute also produces teaching material for trainers and teachers encompassing information and didactical inspirations for positive and fruitful learning experiences. The organization acts in a residential area Marzahn in the Eastern Berlin, in which people from different cultures live, and structural unemployment as well as social exclusion are widely spread.

Prios Kompetanse was established by several collaborative competence environments in central Norway around VET and consulting activities, but has in recent year expanded their activities into software development and European project management. Prios as research center aims to implement the idea of lifelong learning, support, and to conduct development projects. The center is open to all who wish to develop their talents, refresh their knowledge, improve their business, needs new or better digital tools or have ideas in need for support to be fulfilled. The main sectors and activities Prios operates in: • Educational activities, focused on adult learners and labor market service within basic skills training, VET, entrepreneurship training and tailored training for businesses, • Development of new digital solutions based upon requests and needs in different projects Prios participates in, including, but not limited to, Prios’ own Follow-Up® concept, • Consulting activities that mostly support Prios business clients within internal innovation & HR processes, economical advises, and management improvements.