For many Ukrainian war refugees, food production has become their first personal business abroad. According to a survey conducted in September 2023 by the U&We Hub Development Centre Program in cooperation with Ukreate Hub and the Open Society Foundations, the majority of Ukrainian women currently living in Lithuania would like to stay here. Half of them intend to start a READ MORE
Tag: #financialliteracy
6 unconventional ways to invest (Help Club session)
When we hear about investing, the first thing we probably think of is securities, shares or real estate. But you can also put your money to work by investing in less popular areas that may be related to your hobby and even outperform traditional investments in terms of long-term returns. Here’s what FLIGHT Help Club participants learnt about possible non-traditional READ MORE
Overview of the Lithuanian economy and EU opportunities for business (in Russian)
Приглашаем на встречу-лекцию “Обзор литовской экономики и возможности для предпринимательства в ЕС” с президентом Вильнюсской ассоциации промышленности и предпринимательства Сигитасом Бесагирскасом. Время встречи: 16.08.2022 в 17.30 Место встречи: Užupio g. 9, Coffee1 Информация на Фейсбуке Регистрация Встречу организует NVO VERSLI MAMА с партнерами, осуществляющая образовательный проект для взрослых ERASMUS+ #FLIGHT: Financial Literacy for Investment, Growth, Help and Teamwork.